Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Were spending the day with uncle cole, auntie Blair, and grandpa. We came out right after practice today. Immediatly you wanted down to play. AND for the first time you started walking around the coffee table... Also referred to as crusing in the world of baby development!!! What an exciting milestone for your 8 month BIRTHDAY!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Daddy's last day of Christmas Vacation/ BOOKS
Today was daddys last day of Christmas vacation. We spent the day relaxing and hanging out. We ate lunch with G&G B. And then came home to take a nap. You didnt sleep well last night due to the fact that we stayed at G&G H's last night playing Wii with Auntie blair and uncle cole, G&G until midnight and then didn't get to bed till around one! You fell asleep at their house... But you were up at two And around four something till five thirty!!! Mommy had swim team practice at seven, so I was super sleepy! After our nap you and I played with your new Christmas toys and for the first time showed interest when I was reading a book to you! You were sitting on my lap and I grabbed a book and started reading. I used my pointer finger to follow the words as I read and you totally listened! The first book was a rubber Winnie The Pooh bath book one of grandma H's friends gave you. The second one was called Pat The Bunny, which was a gift from mommy's fellow ninth grade English teacher friend Christen Diehl. Pat the Bunny has places to touch and smell etc. Throughout the book... You touched when I prompted and felt the fur on the bunny and other things! Even daddy was impressesd and excited that you were showing an interest in books! I've been reading to you since you came into the world! The first book ever was DR. Seuse's Tooth Book! I cried all the was through the book! Clearly the book Wasn't sad at all... I was just overcome with emotions from reading my very own baby a story! We've come a long way from The Tooth Book!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Recap of December/The night before your first Christmas Eve
We just got home from Jack and Shirley's Christmas party. Every year we go to their house to celebrate Christmas...and this was your first one! You received a plush Santa toy and a pink "baby's first Christmas" stocking and stocking hat that says "baby's first Christmas", and a "baby's first Christmas" ornament as well. Tonight was the first night you have shown any real interest in packages...and unwrapping them. Even though Auntie Blair has provided you with "The Twelve Days of Christmas" gifts for you to open each day leading up to tonight...being the final night since we will celebrate Christmas Eve with Grandma and Grandpa Bishop. You final gift was Mercer Mayer's The Night Before Christmas. Mommy and Daddy have both been on vacation the last two days. I have had practice and you have stayed home to sleep with daddy. We have had a great two days doing nothing but watching movies, wrapping gifts, and enjoying the holidays together! Monday night was mommy's Birthday. You and daddy planned a surprise Birthday party for mommy. I got home late from a swim meet. You were sleeping in Grandma Pat's arms in the living room, and G&G B and Grandpa H. were all in the sun room waiting to surprise me! It was a fun way to end my Birthday and I loved it!
This whole month has been so crazy! We started out with your new tooth the first weekend in December! That Sunday was cried and fussed all day...your tooth was trying to pop into the world! It finally did sometime during that night because when I picked you up at Sally's on Monday it was shining through your little gums, on the bottom!
The next weekend we travelled to Dallas for one of mommy's best friends, Candace Wang's wedding! You were perfect! You rode in the back with Auntie Blair and the two of you chit chatted and played the whole ride! During the wedding we had to watch from the lobby because you were wanting to yell to hear the echo in the monstrous cathedral! We stayed the night one night in Tulsa, and the night of the wedding in Dallas and then back to Nevada that Sunday. It was so much fun!
The weekend after that was Aunt Brooke's wedding in Carthage, Mo. You were so sick. Mommy had the flu that Thursday and Friday and you were getting it by Saturday, and you had to stay upstairs with Auntie Blair during the wedding. When we got home you threw up all over mommy. We had Christmas with Aunt Brooke and Uncle Darrick on Tuesday of that week. You were too sick to enjoy fussed the entire time. Monday you were so bad that I took you to the Dr. and found out you had an ear infection! So, you have been taking your first round of antibiotics the past two weeks.
Last Friday was your first Christmas party at Sally's! You got a ring stacker, a bucket of bath-tub toys, a crinkly chewy yellow toy, and a dolly from Sally! Sally said you all partied all day, you especially adored the crinkly toy. That Saturday mommy, daddy and you went to kc to the plaza to do our Christmas shopping. We ate Houston's with G&G H. and stayed the night in kc, shopped Sunday and then headed home.
Now, here we are at Christmas! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I can't wait to celebrate with you. I have always loved Christmas, and to have the chance to make each of your holidays memorable, is such a dream to me! You are sleeping now in your carrier, we are downstairs enjoying the fire, we've got the sound machine cranked up, and I am watching Christmas movies.
Sorry this recap is so choppy and short...but you are so so so busy, I never get a chance to type :)
This whole month has been so crazy! We started out with your new tooth the first weekend in December! That Sunday was cried and fussed all day...your tooth was trying to pop into the world! It finally did sometime during that night because when I picked you up at Sally's on Monday it was shining through your little gums, on the bottom!
The next weekend we travelled to Dallas for one of mommy's best friends, Candace Wang's wedding! You were perfect! You rode in the back with Auntie Blair and the two of you chit chatted and played the whole ride! During the wedding we had to watch from the lobby because you were wanting to yell to hear the echo in the monstrous cathedral! We stayed the night one night in Tulsa, and the night of the wedding in Dallas and then back to Nevada that Sunday. It was so much fun!
The weekend after that was Aunt Brooke's wedding in Carthage, Mo. You were so sick. Mommy had the flu that Thursday and Friday and you were getting it by Saturday, and you had to stay upstairs with Auntie Blair during the wedding. When we got home you threw up all over mommy. We had Christmas with Aunt Brooke and Uncle Darrick on Tuesday of that week. You were too sick to enjoy fussed the entire time. Monday you were so bad that I took you to the Dr. and found out you had an ear infection! So, you have been taking your first round of antibiotics the past two weeks.
Last Friday was your first Christmas party at Sally's! You got a ring stacker, a bucket of bath-tub toys, a crinkly chewy yellow toy, and a dolly from Sally! Sally said you all partied all day, you especially adored the crinkly toy. That Saturday mommy, daddy and you went to kc to the plaza to do our Christmas shopping. We ate Houston's with G&G H. and stayed the night in kc, shopped Sunday and then headed home.
Now, here we are at Christmas! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I can't wait to celebrate with you. I have always loved Christmas, and to have the chance to make each of your holidays memorable, is such a dream to me! You are sleeping now in your carrier, we are downstairs enjoying the fire, we've got the sound machine cranked up, and I am watching Christmas movies.
Sorry this recap is so choppy and short...but you are so so so busy, I never get a chance to type :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
BlAcK FrIdAy
This morning we were up and at the YMCA for swim practice at 7am. You are teething full speed ahead now, and last night wasn't quite as bad as the night b/f but you were restless for sure! It seemed like you really started to slip into a deep sleep when it was almost time to get I let you sleep as long as possible. It was super cold this morning, and yesterday too...but Thanksgiving Eve it was almost 70 degrees. So I guess today or yesterday was your first real experience with cold weather! This morning I know for sure it was in the 20's!
***Right now you are laying face down on the couch in the basement. I can hear you breathing so I know you are okay. With your stuffy nose you sound like an old man snoring! AND you look huge! If I knew where I had placed my camera I would snap a pic. but it's not worth waking you up. Daddy started the first fire of the season tonight, so it is nice and cosy down here. I have to admit though that I ran upstairs to wash my face etc. and I kept having visions of you waking up, rolling off the couch and crawling over to the stove and trying to pull up on it!!!! Ughh... mommy's imagination is outta sight! Daddy is spending some guy time with his high school buddies, and you and I are pooped from a full day of black Friday shopping. I am watching old episodes of Two Fat Ladies. I used to watch this show when I was in high school, and they now have old episodes on The Cooking Channel. You should totally look up an episode on the may be the weirdest cooking show ever...but for some reason I love it!)
So anyway, today after practice (daddy had to work) we went to G&G H's and hung out. You ate breakfast (mac and cheese, your absolute favorite) and G&G gave you your first Christmas present (2nd if you count the super cute onesie Auntie Blair gave you Sunday night) but this was the first one you opened. That's right...we were all hanging out on the floor this morning when G&G decided they really really wanted you to open a gift that they were soooo excited for you to open. Well really I think they were more excited for me to see it. And they were totally correct! I was pumped! You really loved the paper?! After you opened the gift, they wrapped it back and we will wait until Christmas to open it again...maybe :)
After the impromptu pre-Christmas party...we decided to go to Joplin for the traditional black Friday shopping, b/c you weren't feeling too hot. I thought that you would however, feel better if we were up and out vs. just sitting at home feeling terrible. You were so restless on the initial drive out of town that I had to put my face against yours in your carrier to get you to fall asleep. You finally snoozed on the way down and then once at the mall, I carried you in your carrier. Lot's of people commented on how cute you were! We looked around for a bit and then went to Target and you slept in your carrier most of the time. When you did wake up, we played with various toys to get an idea of what you liked and disliked. You really liked a super cool kitty piano that I'm pretty sure you asked Santa to bring you! After Target, we ate at Del Rio. You were perfect! AFter that, we headed home. Daddy was cleaning when we got home and then we went to eat at Casa(your fav. b/c of the fast pace and action)...again, you were perfect!
So that brings us to now. And, I must end now b/c I can't keep my eyes open!
***Right now you are laying face down on the couch in the basement. I can hear you breathing so I know you are okay. With your stuffy nose you sound like an old man snoring! AND you look huge! If I knew where I had placed my camera I would snap a pic. but it's not worth waking you up. Daddy started the first fire of the season tonight, so it is nice and cosy down here. I have to admit though that I ran upstairs to wash my face etc. and I kept having visions of you waking up, rolling off the couch and crawling over to the stove and trying to pull up on it!!!! Ughh... mommy's imagination is outta sight! Daddy is spending some guy time with his high school buddies, and you and I are pooped from a full day of black Friday shopping. I am watching old episodes of Two Fat Ladies. I used to watch this show when I was in high school, and they now have old episodes on The Cooking Channel. You should totally look up an episode on the may be the weirdest cooking show ever...but for some reason I love it!)
So anyway, today after practice (daddy had to work) we went to G&G H's and hung out. You ate breakfast (mac and cheese, your absolute favorite) and G&G gave you your first Christmas present (2nd if you count the super cute onesie Auntie Blair gave you Sunday night) but this was the first one you opened. That's right...we were all hanging out on the floor this morning when G&G decided they really really wanted you to open a gift that they were soooo excited for you to open. Well really I think they were more excited for me to see it. And they were totally correct! I was pumped! You really loved the paper?! After you opened the gift, they wrapped it back and we will wait until Christmas to open it again...maybe :)
After the impromptu pre-Christmas party...we decided to go to Joplin for the traditional black Friday shopping, b/c you weren't feeling too hot. I thought that you would however, feel better if we were up and out vs. just sitting at home feeling terrible. You were so restless on the initial drive out of town that I had to put my face against yours in your carrier to get you to fall asleep. You finally snoozed on the way down and then once at the mall, I carried you in your carrier. Lot's of people commented on how cute you were! We looked around for a bit and then went to Target and you slept in your carrier most of the time. When you did wake up, we played with various toys to get an idea of what you liked and disliked. You really liked a super cool kitty piano that I'm pretty sure you asked Santa to bring you! After Target, we ate at Del Rio. You were perfect! AFter that, we headed home. Daddy was cleaning when we got home and then we went to eat at Casa(your fav. b/c of the fast pace and action)...again, you were perfect!
So that brings us to now. And, I must end now b/c I can't keep my eyes open!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving - From Daddy
I love you and mommy so very much!! You have a wonderful mother whom puts her heart and soul into taking care of you. You should be very proud of her.
You keep getting bigger, stronger, faster, and busier everyday. I enjoy watching you grow up and do not want to miss a thing. In my eyes, you are a perfect baby!!
- Daddy
You keep getting bigger, stronger, faster, and busier everyday. I enjoy watching you grow up and do not want to miss a thing. In my eyes, you are a perfect baby!!
- Daddy
Today is your first Thanksgiving! Last night you were up every single hour on the hour! I think your teeth are starting to hurt, and you for sure have another stinking cold! I started the first sentence of this post early this morning when you were strapped to my chest in your carrier and we were prepping the turkey! Now, it is after 8pm and you are sleeping in your carrier next to daddy watching a movie on the couch, and me typing on the ottoman in the living room. Thanksgiving is almost over! We started the day early with you getting up at 22 after each hour after midnight! I would simply have to get up off the couch (we fell asleep on the couch last night) and head up the stairs and basically sit in the chair that rocks, and you would be back out. Thank goodness...the last time you had a difficult time sleeping was one of the nights you, daddy and I all slept at G&G H's house. That night you just wouldn't go to sleep at all...and you had a cold then too, now that I think about it! I hope tonight is not the same...however, if it is, I will just get up and go shopping!!! Anyway, so today we fixed the turkey, you ate breakfast and then took a nap while the turkey baked and we watched the Thanksgiving parade! You fell asleep before Santa came by. After that, we went to G& G H's for lunch. It was really nice and fun. You were a little cranky, but again, I think it was because of your teeth and the cold. We ate with Jack and Shirley, Grandpa Smith, Auntie Blair and Uncle Shane, Cole, and of course G&G H. ( You keep talking in your sleep right is really strange...but super cute). For your first Thanksgiving lunch, you had turkey dinner and veggies baby food dinner, peas, and some of our gravy and potatoes...really mostly gravy b/c the potatoes I gave you gagged you, they were still too thick for you this year! AND I did really get a good feel of the little tooth coming in on the bottom floor today!!! After dinner, we hung out and decorated the tree. Around 5 we headed to Eldo for dinner with daddy's family. By the time we got there, you were really tired, hungry, and your teeth and cold were making you really fussy. We ate and visited with everyone, including daddy's grandma Helen. We were all tired, and you were starting to cry with real tears, so we headed home. You fell asleep in the car, basically b/f we left Eldo.
Tomorrow we are going to go to swim team practice from 7-8 and then go shopping with G&G H. Daddy has to he won't be joining us.
So that was your first was so much more fun for daddy and I than it was b/f we had you! But you pretty much make everything better :)
Tomorrow we are going to go to swim team practice from 7-8 and then go shopping with G&G H. Daddy has to he won't be joining us.
So that was your first was so much more fun for daddy and I than it was b/f we had you! But you pretty much make everything better :)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Your FIRST Thanksgiving Eve
Happy Thanksgiving! Today mommy woke up at 6am to get ready for swim practice. I let you sleep until I was ready to walk out the door around 6:45am. We slept on the couch last night so we wouldn't wake daddy up this morning. We went to practice, and you observed from the carrier until you fell asleep about mid-way through practice. After practice we went to see daddy at work. You were crawling all over his desk and ate a little bit of sucker, and typed on his keyboard. Mommy got some coffee and we drove around for a while so you could snooze (which you are doing now or I would never be able to do this). Grandma B. just called and we are going to pick up daddy in about an hour and go downtown to eat at a little cafe called Jenny's with Grandma and Grandpa B. for lunch. After that...who knows! We need to figure out what we want to do with the 10 lb. turkey mommy won at school for winning the biggest turkey contest. So, we will probably go to Wal-Mart and shop after lunch. We are also waiting for Uncle Cole to wake up so we can hang out with him. He is home from Columbia, MO for Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
It seems like over the past two days you have really started to act like a "real" little person. You are pulling up onto furniture and various other things for two weeks now. This past week you have really started doing it quickly and very well. You have started to hold on with one hand, which you could not do last week. You are quick to reach up for me if you are at Sally's or in your walker. You also push the bottle away if you are full, or pull it near if you are hungry! You however, do not know to remove your little hand from the nipple in order to suck in the milk. The last two nights, you have not really wanted to nurse that much at night. Last night you did not wake up at all. My alarm went off at 4am and you stirred a bit and nursed a little, but then you were out again. You are a much more independent sleeper these last two days?!
Yesterday was the start of our second week of swim team practice. I have been dreading it just like the start of school. I hate being away from you for any unnecessary amount of time. So, I had decided to strap you on in your carrier during practice. I was so worried that you would not like it. Sally kept assuring me that you would love it. AND was she love practice! You love water and baths and swimming I'm not sure why I was so worried. But you new schedule is for me to get you around 2:15pm, we run home and nurse for about 5 min. (seems like you are fazing out your nap/nurse) and then we head to practice around 3:15pm. You watch and hang out until about 4'ish and then you chatter and hum and then fall asleep until the end of practice! You are perfect, and I love my time with you during practice!
We had your Christmas photos taken this last weekend. You were asleep when we got there and when you woke up I was dressing you. You were a little confused during the shoot, but beautiful none the less! You are always so happy and good. The only time you are fussy is when you are tired, hungry, or poopy! You really show your emotion well. If you don't like someone, you don't cry, but you don't hide the fact that you don't want to hang out with them...can't imagine where you get that :)
Saturday was Grandpa H.'s birthday. We spent the morning with Grandpa. After your pictures, we took a really long nap and then went shopping with Auntie Blair. You helped pick out all of Grandpa's birthday gifts. We had dinner at the club. You were really more interested in walking around than sitting around. You did eat some soup and mashed potato's and gravy. You are trying more and more things each week it seems. You have even started gnawing on teething cookies. We have to be careful though, the cookie breaks off and you are not quite ready to "chew" it up! I did just notice on Monday that you have what will soon be a tooth trying to poke through!!! Daddy even felt it last night!
Sunday we put up your first Christmas tree. Auntie Blair brought over a cute red and green outfit that said "I'm on my Auntie's nice list" you wore it that night and we got some cute pics of you with the tree!
Last night you and I baked cookies for my class Thanksgiving party. I strapped you on in your carrier and you ended up falling asleep! It was really sweet. Tom Lovinger stopped by to see you, and you ended up waking up and showing off your skills. Even though you were still showed off fairly well.
Today is our last day of school/Sally's b/f Thanksgiving break! We will have so much fun.
Yesterday was the start of our second week of swim team practice. I have been dreading it just like the start of school. I hate being away from you for any unnecessary amount of time. So, I had decided to strap you on in your carrier during practice. I was so worried that you would not like it. Sally kept assuring me that you would love it. AND was she love practice! You love water and baths and swimming I'm not sure why I was so worried. But you new schedule is for me to get you around 2:15pm, we run home and nurse for about 5 min. (seems like you are fazing out your nap/nurse) and then we head to practice around 3:15pm. You watch and hang out until about 4'ish and then you chatter and hum and then fall asleep until the end of practice! You are perfect, and I love my time with you during practice!
We had your Christmas photos taken this last weekend. You were asleep when we got there and when you woke up I was dressing you. You were a little confused during the shoot, but beautiful none the less! You are always so happy and good. The only time you are fussy is when you are tired, hungry, or poopy! You really show your emotion well. If you don't like someone, you don't cry, but you don't hide the fact that you don't want to hang out with them...can't imagine where you get that :)
Saturday was Grandpa H.'s birthday. We spent the morning with Grandpa. After your pictures, we took a really long nap and then went shopping with Auntie Blair. You helped pick out all of Grandpa's birthday gifts. We had dinner at the club. You were really more interested in walking around than sitting around. You did eat some soup and mashed potato's and gravy. You are trying more and more things each week it seems. You have even started gnawing on teething cookies. We have to be careful though, the cookie breaks off and you are not quite ready to "chew" it up! I did just notice on Monday that you have what will soon be a tooth trying to poke through!!! Daddy even felt it last night!
Sunday we put up your first Christmas tree. Auntie Blair brought over a cute red and green outfit that said "I'm on my Auntie's nice list" you wore it that night and we got some cute pics of you with the tree!
Last night you and I baked cookies for my class Thanksgiving party. I strapped you on in your carrier and you ended up falling asleep! It was really sweet. Tom Lovinger stopped by to see you, and you ended up waking up and showing off your skills. Even though you were still showed off fairly well.
Today is our last day of school/Sally's b/f Thanksgiving break! We will have so much fun.
Monday, November 22, 2010
This month has been crazy! Halloween was a blast for mommy and daddy...not sure what you thought about being dressed up in costumes each Friday of the month, and then finally on the Saturday of Halloween, you were a super cute bumble-bee! Saturday evening we got you bundled up and into your costume, and went to Jennifer Yarsulik's house and had our family photo taken, and you showed off your new skills crawling and sitting up. It was pretty hot, so you were't too excited to hang around too long.
Monday, November 1, 2010
A Very Merry UnBirthday To YOU!
So today is your 6 month or 1/2 birthday! Daddy and I planned a birthday celebration for you at our house. We had invitations made with your picture on them, and sent them to G&G H. & B., GG Smith, Auntie Blair, and Auntie Shirley and Uncle Jack. We had pizza and I had a half cake made for you, and Auntie Shirley brought chocolate Halloween cup cakes! We all had such a good time ogling over you! You had already had a busy day with a Halloween party at Sally's, Trick-or-Treating at Daddy's bank, and finally your birthday party! You were exhausted by the time we were ready for cake. You were a trooper though and ate some icing and even showed interest in opening your presents! It was totally a real birthday party. So cool that you have such caring family members that go along with crazy off the wall things like 1/2 birthdays :)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Softball...State Champs
Last week was a whirl-wind of events in our lives! I don't know if I have mentioned that our house is on the market. It has been for a couple of weeks. You and I have been spending the night with G&G Headrick at least once a week for the past few weeks it seems, and last week was no exception...except for the fact that daddy joined us! It was like a little vacay at the Hotel Headrick. Ollie, Maggie, you and I and daddy all packed up on Thursday evening and spent the night! I said spent the night, I did not say slept because that would have been a lie. You have had a pretty rough cold. You have had more snot than any baby should be allowed to produce! So, sleeping and nursing were pretty much out of the question. We started out the night in Uncle Coles room with daddy. But you only snoozed for a couple of hours. After that you were awake and cranky and I couldn't get you to rest at all! I finally, for the first time ever, resorted to cruising around Nevada at 2am to try to get you to fall asleep. You did. So I tip-toed back into the house and down to Aunt Blairs room so as not to disturb daddy. You slept in your carrier for about one hour almost on the dot! So at this point in time it was 3:22am you were awake again. We didn't sleep after that. I watched a little tv upstairs and then decided to get ready. While I was in the shower I heard
This past weekend started early and ended late! School was cancelled on Friday due to the fact that the girls softball team made it to the final four state playoffs! The bank let daddy skip work on Friday to attend the game with us!
This past weekend started early and ended late! School was cancelled on Friday due to the fact that the girls softball team made it to the final four state playoffs! The bank let daddy skip work on Friday to attend the game with us!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sleep...glorious sleep!
I think we finally figured out that we MUST delete your mid-evening nap. So last night, we ate dinner at G&G Bishop's house and you started to get really tired around 7pm. So we started to pack up, once in the car, you were so sleepy that I couldn't do anything to keep you awake. So, we let you sleep once we got home. Daddy spoke loudly to Ollie and you started crying. We decided to skip bath time and we all (Mommy, Daddy, Ollie, Maggie, Max the cat, and of course YOU!) went downstairs to watch Dexter and hopefully get you to sleep. You were pretty restless, I expected the worst of course...another sleepless night. But once you fell asleep for good, you slept until 3:37am, and at point you nursed, drank a few ounces from a bottle and slept. You slept so long that I overslept too! I only had about 30 min. to get ready. But, that was fine with me! Sleep was the best thing ever, and it still is! Don't get me wrong, you have been a peach in the sleep dept. and it seems that you only have trouble when I don't keep up with your dietary needs. Since you are crawling like a madwoman now, you need more to eat! Basically you started a couple of weeks ago with the first foods, and really and truely skipped the seconds...even though that is what you are eating now...and we need to get the thirds I suppose! Did I mention yesterday that you tried macaronni and cheese dinner this weekend at G&G Headricks and LOVED IT! You come by that honestly...that is your Daddy's most favorite meal! One of Mommy and Daddy's first dates consisted of mac and cheese, chocolate shakes, and
Monday, October 18, 2010
You are on the black and pink quilt from your Great Grandma Bishop right now...crawling up to Maggie! MADE IT! Just as you grabbed onto two handfuls of hair, Maggie hopped up and took off to wrestle with Ollie! Now they are wrestling in the living are the audience. Ughh they smell awful. I don't know how to give them a bath with you around...without your daddy, now that you are extremely mobile. I have to find a way...this is ridiculous. My sense of smell has been 100x since I was pregnant with you. Oh my gosh, you were on your way to Ollie just now and Ollie plopped down into his "play" stance...I had to get his attention, I was afraid he would pounce on you to you are on your way back to him and he is watching you like you are a new toy...oh no!?!?
Okay...Doggies are clean. You really didn't enjoy sitting in your walker during the bath session. But I got you laughing on the bed by tickling your neck, toes, feet, basically every part is ticklish.
So crawling. Two Tuesdays ago, you started showing would get up on all fours, and sway back and forth like you were gaining momentum to get going. Over the past two weeks you have gotten better and better. This weekend we spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Headrick while daddy was out of town at BC's homecoming weekend. While at G & G's you really worked on crawling to get to Maggie and Ollie and to Mocha as well. We took all of your toys out, and you are more used to our walker vs their walker b/c you would RUN super fast in our walker chasing the doggies at their house.( oh no, you just realized I was on the computer and you are now trying to crawl up ME to get to the computer which is now on the ottoman. ) Daddy came home last night and you really started actual and "fast" crawling. You wanted the computer. I was checking facebook or something and you just wanted to touch the keyboard so badly that you would crawl to wherever the computer was! ok time out...Im gonna hunt for a baby site for you. Duh...why not create our own video of you crawling up to the computer!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Weekend Fun!
So this weekend I was actually super excited for you to wake up so we could do our "thing". You woke up early at 6:30am...actually your warm leaky diaper woke us both up around 6:30am. So we got up and got into the bath...together! You were so confused. I just thought that since we were both covered in pee pee, that it just made sense. Daddy was snoozing away, and since we had slept on the couch, we were able to take a bath and slip out the door by about 7:15am. Our Saturday morning business includes a trip through the McDonalds drive thru to pick up my "usual" of a coffee, diet coke, and an egg mcmuffin sans the meat. I need lots of caffeine to make it on Saturdays. Then for the second time, we begin our hunt for cool garage sales. Rarely do we actually get out at the sales...merely hunting is satisfying enough. It's like a game, can we find an exer-caucer, or a jogging stroller?! I did buy a few jammies and some toys from various sales of people we knew. Daddy called around 10'ish, so we headed back home!
Mommy and Daddy went to the NRMC gala to represent Daddy's bank. Grandma and Grandpa H. were there too. It was fun. You hung out with Aunti Blair for the evening. She said you enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with Uncle Shane, and that you had really stinky gas...and you would pass a little and then smile really big!
Sunday we decided to take a trip to KC to pick up your bat costume from Pottery Barn Kids. Once we got there and tried the costume on, it wasn't as cute as we had planned. SO, we purchased the bumble bee costume. SUPER CUTE, with a matching treat bumble bee! So, now you have enough costumes to wear one each day of Halloween week :) Obsessive? Maybe...Cool? For sure, I mean, you will only have your first Halloween once!
We also got you a cute jacket for you and a super cute fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving outfit from Janie and Jack...a favorite shop of ours! And to round out the trip, we picked out a jogging stroller.
Once home we ate pizza with Grandma and Grandpa B. and hung out with Aunt Brooke and Uncle Darrick. Last night we went to sleep around 10:30pm and you woke up at 12:47pm,1:47am, and then you were ready for a conversation of great magnitude at we got ate, talked, played, rocked......all until around 4am...I finally got you to sleep and I snoozed until 5:33am and then got up. I am getting ready to rush out the door to get you, maybe I will be up for a jog in your new stroller...doubt it though...more like a nap :)
Mommy and Daddy went to the NRMC gala to represent Daddy's bank. Grandma and Grandpa H. were there too. It was fun. You hung out with Aunti Blair for the evening. She said you enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with Uncle Shane, and that you had really stinky gas...and you would pass a little and then smile really big!
Sunday we decided to take a trip to KC to pick up your bat costume from Pottery Barn Kids. Once we got there and tried the costume on, it wasn't as cute as we had planned. SO, we purchased the bumble bee costume. SUPER CUTE, with a matching treat bumble bee! So, now you have enough costumes to wear one each day of Halloween week :) Obsessive? Maybe...Cool? For sure, I mean, you will only have your first Halloween once!
We also got you a cute jacket for you and a super cute fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving outfit from Janie and Jack...a favorite shop of ours! And to round out the trip, we picked out a jogging stroller.
Once home we ate pizza with Grandma and Grandpa B. and hung out with Aunt Brooke and Uncle Darrick. Last night we went to sleep around 10:30pm and you woke up at 12:47pm,1:47am, and then you were ready for a conversation of great magnitude at we got ate, talked, played, rocked......all until around 4am...I finally got you to sleep and I snoozed until 5:33am and then got up. I am getting ready to rush out the door to get you, maybe I will be up for a jog in your new stroller...doubt it though...more like a nap :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
First Day of Fall!
Rice cereal proved to be a success! This morning you slept until 7:30am! If you had met me a year ago, 7:30am would have been practically the middle of the night on a Saturday morning...not sleeping in! We were all up so early, we went to Wal-mart before church! This trip to Wal-Mart was special...we purchased baby food! Tme just woke had fallen asleep drinking a bottle. I'll have to finish later :) Okay, so it's later...much later, a different day actually, but regardless; Sunday,let me think??? Ahhh yes, so, we went to church in El Dorado. We do this sometimes because daddy's grandma and aunts and uncles live in El Dorado. Daddy's Aunt Sue invited us over for lunch after church. You slept all through church until the very end. At Aunt Sue's you were getting a little hungry so I fed you some baby food really seemed to like them. I
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Solid food, car seats, and RAZORBACKS!
You are sitting in between my legs. We are watching the Razorback's play Alabama. This is your first Razorback game (we are in our living room), and you just finished your first big girl walk in your stroller without your car seat, and you just finished your first go at rice cereal! I have been so excited to try rice cereal. The last three nights you have pretty much woken up every hour...which is killing me. It is Saturday and you woke up for the day at 5:45am. We went to Lori Fast's rummage sale and picked up some things, and then killed time driving around until Daddy called letting us know he was awake...this has become our Saturday ritual. So once home, we all went for a stroll around the neighborhood. You in your stroller sans seat, and Ollie sans collar! You both did well. After the walk, we took a snooze. Usually you would snooze as long as I. However, today you would awaken every few minutes to nurse. Daddy wanted to wait until Wednesday, your fifth month birthday, to introduce solids...but I couldn't stand another sleepless night; so we decided to try today...your birthday weekend! So, I went to Woods supermarket, about two blocks from our house. I got rice cereal, and some coffee for me. I came home, you and Daddy were hangingadcz (you are typing too now) out. I got your cereal ready, using a measuring spoon, I fixed the cereal exactly according to the directions. I opened our new big girl bowls, and your spoon; I put your bow around your head, and picked out the perfect bib...we were READY! Daddy had the video ready, and I had the camera close at hand. We decided on the bouncy vs your high chair (bad idea) and away we went. Turns out the cereal was so runny, it looked just like milk...and you had just had a bottle with Daddy. Regardless...we took pics and videoed you slurping your first tastes of rice cereal. Long story are now on my lap "drinking" your rice cereal from a bottle :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Potential first night in your crib......................................................
Sooooo much has happened since I last blogged. Last weekend we travelled to Chicago for a wedding (you were perfect on the plane), you had your first taste of ice cream in the Midway airport, you are now dabbling in sitting up without support...but do really well for a 4 1/2 month old either way, you ate at your first McDonalds, rode on your first plane...the list goes on and on it seems! I will for sure elaborate but for now, I think I am going to keep grappling with the decision of wether or not I leave you snoozing in your crib...or sneak in and take you to bed with me. I have NEVER EVER left you in your crib at night. I am spying on you via monitor and you are totally zonked out, I hate to bother you...but I hate to leave you alone too. It is storming, what if there is a tornado?!? Ohhhhh what to do???!!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
overnights and two moons!
last night daddy was out of town and we stayed the night with Grandma and Grandpa Headrick! It was a great time. We decided to sleep on the couch...not such a good idea. I was afraid a little bit...of ghosts and such...I kept thinking someone was going to touch me on my back. Silly I know, but I have somewhat of a wild imagination :) Anyway...we made it and Grandpa took you to Sally's and you were pumped. He really enjoyed the experience. About twenty years prior, he was the one who took your uncle cole to sally's each morning!
You are rolling over like crazy now. You are playing in the bed with daddy now while we catch up on Big Brother (our favorite reality t.v. show) and I am at the foot of the bed typing away...I know you will be sleepy soon...very, very soon!
Tonight is a special night, we have set our alarm for 12:28am so that we can wake up to see the two moons in the sky. Even though daddy is tired from his lenders retreat, and you and I are tired from our sleep over...this is history in the making, and not one living person will have this opportunity in our lifetime! It won't happen again until 2281!
You are rolling over like crazy now. You are playing in the bed with daddy now while we catch up on Big Brother (our favorite reality t.v. show) and I am at the foot of the bed typing away...I know you will be sleepy soon...very, very soon!
Tonight is a special night, we have set our alarm for 12:28am so that we can wake up to see the two moons in the sky. Even though daddy is tired from his lenders retreat, and you and I are tired from our sleep over...this is history in the making, and not one living person will have this opportunity in our lifetime! It won't happen again until 2281!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Week 17
You will be 17 weeks old this Thursday. You are sitting in your Jump-a-roo talking to me and giggling. It's almost like you are telling me a funny joke. Jokes are yelling at me now in almost a cry... with a little German thrown in for good measure. So now I am sitting indian style with you on my lap. But you are trying to escape. Blogging is much more difficult this week. I will have to continue after you go to sleep :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
first day of daycare
I woke up at 5:45am when daddy got up to workout and laid there and watched you sleep. I dreaded 6:30am because that's when today would officially start.Once it did you were super happy. You sat in your bouncy seat until I was finished showering and then daddy was home so you rode your horsey until he was ready to take a shower and he brought you back up to sit in your bouncy seat....and you pooped. Other than the unexpected poop, the morning went well. This was by far the earliest you have ever gotten up in your entire life! Daddy and I decided to dress you in an owl onesie for comfort and cuteness. We went to Sally's together. I started tearing up in the garage. Daddy carried you out to my car and he followed us in his truck. He carried you in and reminded me to bring the camera. You were using your pacifier. You were happy. I was more sad than I have ever been. You smiled at Sally so much you pacifier fell out of your mouth! A little 7 month old boy wanted to peer in at you in your smiled at him too. I asked questions about being able to come back and get you for lunch etc. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Daddy and I only stayed for a few minutes and Daddy said he had to get to work...and I did too. So we walked out. I was crying, it makes me teary eyed now to remember how hard it was to walk out without you. Once outside Daddy kissed me and told me he loved me and that everything would be alright...I wasn't sure I could leave. But I did and I really don't remember much about the drive to school, other than a phone call I made to a friend to blubber into the phone about how messed up our society was for me to have to drop you off for someone else to raise while I went off to raise other people's kids. I was really sad.
YOU had a blast. At noon I went back to Sally's to pick you up. You were asleep in a swing with your dolphin and your little fingers stretched out. You have never looked so precious. I teared up and asked if I should leave you asleep. I of course knew the answer, but I wanted to touch you and smell you and hold you so badly...but the good mother in me begged to be strong and let you sleep. That is what was best for you. I just watched you swing. I'm sure that image will forever be ingrained in my memory...just like the day you were born, or when daddy asked me to marry him. That is what kind of day today was for me. And for you too...only on a different level. You had a blast. You smiled and laughed alllllll day! Sally said she was so impressed with you. She said you were so happy, that when she was feeding you she had to stop chatting with you because you kept laughing and smiling at her and the milk was rolling out the sides of your mouth. She said you took a bottle at 8am and napped for 45 mins. and then bounced and walked in the walker and played with the other kids laughing and smiling...they loved you and you loved them! Around 9:30am you took another bottle and slept in the swing until slept right through my visit :) After your snooze you played with Sally on the floor on some pillows and then fell asleep again (remember we have been sleeping until 10 or so all of your life) I'm not sure how long you slept that time, but when I got to Sally's at 3:30pm you were outside in the walker and seemed so happy. Sally said, "look Garrity, Mommy's here," and you didn't hear my voice...I looked at you and said, " she has already forgotten me" and you looked at me and smiled like you never have before, and threw your head back and gave me a huge squeal! It was one of the best moments of my life! I picked you up and immediately realized that you smelled different than you usually do...just from being outside and just the smell of Sally's house....just different. It broke my heart for some reason. But if felt so fantastic to hold you in my arms...I didn't care how you were back in my arms! As I carried you to the car, a little boy ran up to the fence and called out "bye Garrity!" It was really surreal, you are a big kid have friends! We had to run some errands to Wal-Mart. You fussed on the way so I put your pacifier in your mouth, you took it yet again!
Once home, you nursed until Daddy came home and we played until you nursed and napped for a really long time. Uncle Darrick stopped by to see how we made it through today, Grandma H. called to see how today went, and Blair, and the Hawks, and Sara Parrack, and finally Aunt Brooke. Around 8:45pm I gave you a bath and now you are sleeping on my lap while I type. You fell asleep upstairs with Daddy, but we are downstairs again...for a little while longer :) It feels like summer, you asleep, me typing...Big Brother 12 on the t.v., and soon we will watch Medium and fall asleep. We made it...I made it, you loved it...I'm certain you are dreaming about the kids and hoping that tomorrow will be as much fun as today. No doubt I will dream that the summer has just begun. I love you so much, and while every single day is precious, the days are slipping by so quickly now that you are in our lives!
YOU had a blast. At noon I went back to Sally's to pick you up. You were asleep in a swing with your dolphin and your little fingers stretched out. You have never looked so precious. I teared up and asked if I should leave you asleep. I of course knew the answer, but I wanted to touch you and smell you and hold you so badly...but the good mother in me begged to be strong and let you sleep. That is what was best for you. I just watched you swing. I'm sure that image will forever be ingrained in my memory...just like the day you were born, or when daddy asked me to marry him. That is what kind of day today was for me. And for you too...only on a different level. You had a blast. You smiled and laughed alllllll day! Sally said she was so impressed with you. She said you were so happy, that when she was feeding you she had to stop chatting with you because you kept laughing and smiling at her and the milk was rolling out the sides of your mouth. She said you took a bottle at 8am and napped for 45 mins. and then bounced and walked in the walker and played with the other kids laughing and smiling...they loved you and you loved them! Around 9:30am you took another bottle and slept in the swing until slept right through my visit :) After your snooze you played with Sally on the floor on some pillows and then fell asleep again (remember we have been sleeping until 10 or so all of your life) I'm not sure how long you slept that time, but when I got to Sally's at 3:30pm you were outside in the walker and seemed so happy. Sally said, "look Garrity, Mommy's here," and you didn't hear my voice...I looked at you and said, " she has already forgotten me" and you looked at me and smiled like you never have before, and threw your head back and gave me a huge squeal! It was one of the best moments of my life! I picked you up and immediately realized that you smelled different than you usually do...just from being outside and just the smell of Sally's house....just different. It broke my heart for some reason. But if felt so fantastic to hold you in my arms...I didn't care how you were back in my arms! As I carried you to the car, a little boy ran up to the fence and called out "bye Garrity!" It was really surreal, you are a big kid have friends! We had to run some errands to Wal-Mart. You fussed on the way so I put your pacifier in your mouth, you took it yet again!
Once home, you nursed until Daddy came home and we played until you nursed and napped for a really long time. Uncle Darrick stopped by to see how we made it through today, Grandma H. called to see how today went, and Blair, and the Hawks, and Sara Parrack, and finally Aunt Brooke. Around 8:45pm I gave you a bath and now you are sleeping on my lap while I type. You fell asleep upstairs with Daddy, but we are downstairs again...for a little while longer :) It feels like summer, you asleep, me typing...Big Brother 12 on the t.v., and soon we will watch Medium and fall asleep. We made it...I made it, you loved it...I'm certain you are dreaming about the kids and hoping that tomorrow will be as much fun as today. No doubt I will dream that the summer has just begun. I love you so much, and while every single day is precious, the days are slipping by so quickly now that you are in our lives!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The last night of summer
Tomorrow school starts, and you go to day care for the first time. I have been dreading this night since I found out you were coming into our lives. First of all I'm sorry that it is not possible for me to stay at home with you and spend every second of every day with you. I would if I could, and I would cherish every stinking moment of it. Second, I really hope that as you grow you appreciate the fact that I did go back to order to provide you with what you need and want. I can remember being young and cool clothes would have no doubt trumped spending some QT with my mom in infancy...I can only hope you feel the same way, and don't hold this against me. Believe me, I would stay home if I could.
This past week with Daddy on vacation, you have started to get a little bored with us/me. Usually we would look forward to Daddy coming home for lunch and then snooze the afternoon away. This past week, there wasn't really anything to look forward to, and you seemed restless. SO, I suppose that spending a few hours with other kids will help you in the long run, or that's what I'm telling myself anyway. But really, you seem to like little kids, and I think the interaction will be pleasing to you.
Tomorrow you will have to stay at Sally's from 8-3:30. Believe me, I will be at Sally's at 3:33 or less on the dot! I'm sure I will miss you so very much. This will be the longest I have EVER been away from you. However I fully intend on spending my lunch hour with as to break up the time away.
Well, you are snoozing upstairs with Daddy and I am sitting at the table typing away, trying to prolong tomorrow morning as much as possible. I suppose I should get you and get to sleep... tomorrow will undoubtedly be the longest day of my life.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Daddy's Vacay
Yesterday was the first day of Daddy's vacation! He has been looking forward to spending this time with you for weeks! We haven't planned anything more than spending quality time playing with you! As soon as Daddy heard you talking Monday morning, he was down here ready to scoop you up and start the day! You and I have started sleeping upstairs with Daddy since he doesn't have to be up for work. However, you have started waking up in the middle of the night when we are up I just sneak downstairs for the rest of the night vs. waking Daddy up and tossing and turning upstairs. Daddy got you up and changed your diaper while I snoozed for a few more minutes, and then you were ready to eat. I put you in your horsey jumper before making a bottle for you, and you LAUGHED at me! You gave me your big "un-toothy" grin and a big girl laugh came out! I called for Daddy but he missed it! Granted, you have been kind of squealing for some time now, but never a real real laugh! Not like a crack up but a laugh! It was awesome! You have also really started trying to figure out how to get your toes into your mouth. You kind of try to pull on them and pull them in the direction of your is pretty stinking cute!
Daddy's Vacay
Daddy has been looking forward to his vacation for weeks so he can spend time with you! Yesterday was our first day! You woke up talking up a storm and your daddy heard you from upstairs (you and I came downstairs in the middle of the night when you woke up) so anyway, he came down and scooped you up, changed your diaper and you two played for quite a while before you came back to wake me up. When I got up I put you in the horsey and smiled at gave me your "toothy" grin and you actually really really laughed! You have been kind of smiling with squeals but nothing like this. I hollered for your daddy to come down but when he got there you would only smile. We played and played all day! Around 4pm Grandma B. came over to play with you so daddy and I could work out, and then we ate dinner at Grandma and Grandpa B.'s house.
Today we slept in. You didn't wake up until 9:45am! I think the only reason you woke up then was because daddy turned on the light and walked downstairs (again we came down in the middle of the night) and started talking. Your little eyes popped open immediately! You love your daddy! He took you up to change you and our day began! We had to go to Wal-Mart and get groceries. While at Wal-Mart, you poopied...I hadn't taken in a diaper we decided to open the new box of diapers and wipes vs. going out to get one from the diaper bag. Good thing, your diaper was FULL! Oh, and today was a huge milestone in the diaper dept. I decided to test the size 2 diapers to make sure I did indeed need to exchange some of our size 1's for the larger size. So, had we not been test driving a size would have been a mess!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Summer Fun
This past weekend we started off with a short trip to Joplin on Thursday to take advantage of the annual sidewalk sale at one of our favorite boutiques: Lil Rascals. We got a cute dress for Aunt Brooke's wedding in December, Grandma B. sent money and we used it for the gown. We also got some adorable bows, and another perfect tutu...I love tutus! And a really cute linen white dress for next summer. After Lil Rascals, we went to a new boutique that Grandma H. told us to check out...Ambiance. It was super cute, and I can't wait to go back. At Lil Rascals you just looked around (I wore you in the front carrier) and you were pretty happy until the very end, at that point you just wanted to be out of the carrier so I could hold you facing forward and you could see from a different angle. So anyway, we went to the new place and I tried to just carry you, thinking we wouldn't be too interested in the shop. BUT it was so cute I had to take you out to the car to get your car seat and a were asleep within seconds. Ok...this post will have to be finished are in your horsey but you are getting fussy. Daddy is on vacation this week and our schedule is a little funky, so you are a little difficult to predict in the mood dept. :)
Ok I guess you are happy now just to watch t.v. from your horsey and I am going to keep typing for a couple more mins.
So Friday we spent the afternoon with Grandpa H. Daddy had a golf tournament and we needed some entertainment! Grandpa fixed us lunch and we hung out until Grandma got home from work, and Aunt Blair came out to play. We basically spent the evening laughing at you in your horsey and playing with you! We stayed up late watching t.v. with Grandpa and finally called it a night since we had decided to do something fun on Saturday with Grandma H. and Aunt Blair.
On Saturday morning we got up and went out to Grandma and Grandpa H.'s for our fun day. We decided to go to Branson...mainly to have a reason to dine at Lamberts. We drove, Aunt Blair rode in the back with you and you had a great time! Grandma rode up front with me. You slept almost the entire trip to Springfield. We stopped at a little shop called "Plato's Closet" so I could sell some of mommy and daddy's old clothes. After that, we headed to Branson. We went to the outlet mall and shopped at the many stores. The entire time, people were commenting on how cute you were! I had you in the front carrier and you loved looking around. At one of the shops I bought you a wide rimmed pink sun matched your outfit perfectly. If you got attention before the got 100 times more after :) You were pretty much too cute for words with your hat!
After shopping for a while we were all hot and you were snoozing in Grandma's arms...we decided to head to Lamberts! Once we got there, we had to wait 1hr 35 mins. to get a table...pretty typical. Anyway, you slept while we all read and reread the menu and talked. Finally you woke up and I nursed you while Grandma and Aunt Blair waited inside for our name to be called. Once we were inside you snoozed again for most of our meal. The waiters throw rolls...I was afraid a rogue roll would find its way into your carrier! Once you woke up you bounced on my lap while we all finished eating. You were pretty perfect! I wish I had gotten a picture of you with our waiter to commemorate your first trip to one of the greatest places in the world :)
On the way home we had to stop to change your panties and get you into jammies. It was pretty fun, Grandma held you and I changed your a parking lot! It was pretty comical, here we were trying to acrobatically change you and the stinking diaper velcro strap broke! Luckily we had an extra diaper...kind of, actually it had been on you and we changed you and it wasn't wet. So, we kept it just in case....turns out just in case happened :)
What a fun day!
Ok I guess you are happy now just to watch t.v. from your horsey and I am going to keep typing for a couple more mins.
So Friday we spent the afternoon with Grandpa H. Daddy had a golf tournament and we needed some entertainment! Grandpa fixed us lunch and we hung out until Grandma got home from work, and Aunt Blair came out to play. We basically spent the evening laughing at you in your horsey and playing with you! We stayed up late watching t.v. with Grandpa and finally called it a night since we had decided to do something fun on Saturday with Grandma H. and Aunt Blair.
On Saturday morning we got up and went out to Grandma and Grandpa H.'s for our fun day. We decided to go to Branson...mainly to have a reason to dine at Lamberts. We drove, Aunt Blair rode in the back with you and you had a great time! Grandma rode up front with me. You slept almost the entire trip to Springfield. We stopped at a little shop called "Plato's Closet" so I could sell some of mommy and daddy's old clothes. After that, we headed to Branson. We went to the outlet mall and shopped at the many stores. The entire time, people were commenting on how cute you were! I had you in the front carrier and you loved looking around. At one of the shops I bought you a wide rimmed pink sun matched your outfit perfectly. If you got attention before the got 100 times more after :) You were pretty much too cute for words with your hat!
After shopping for a while we were all hot and you were snoozing in Grandma's arms...we decided to head to Lamberts! Once we got there, we had to wait 1hr 35 mins. to get a table...pretty typical. Anyway, you slept while we all read and reread the menu and talked. Finally you woke up and I nursed you while Grandma and Aunt Blair waited inside for our name to be called. Once we were inside you snoozed again for most of our meal. The waiters throw rolls...I was afraid a rogue roll would find its way into your carrier! Once you woke up you bounced on my lap while we all finished eating. You were pretty perfect! I wish I had gotten a picture of you with our waiter to commemorate your first trip to one of the greatest places in the world :)
On the way home we had to stop to change your panties and get you into jammies. It was pretty fun, Grandma held you and I changed your a parking lot! It was pretty comical, here we were trying to acrobatically change you and the stinking diaper velcro strap broke! Luckily we had an extra diaper...kind of, actually it had been on you and we changed you and it wasn't wet. So, we kept it just in case....turns out just in case happened :)
What a fun day!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
snotty mornings
Every single day you seem to grow and change! The Heumaders brought this horsey over on Saturday, and you bounced once and conked your mouth on the front of the horse b/c you didn't know to brace yourself. NOW less than a week later you are bouncing like crazy! You figured everything out and you did it on your own!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Today was yet another lazy summer day! You woke up early 6am for no apparent reason, other than to talk really, really, loud! It was hilarious! You rattled on for about thirty minutes or so. Finally I got a bottle as you had nursed for a while prior to waking up fully. Thankfully you slept for a while after the bottle. On account of I suffered from insomnia last night and I was exhausted!
We are going through our stash of diapers from all of your showers quite swiftly. Last night we opened a package of Huggies, which seem to be less efficient at keeping your poop inside...and today you poopied and of course it squished out and all over your I gave you a bath in the sink. You LOVE baths! You splash with arms and legs...hard core much so that sometimes you concentrate soooo hard you forget to smile until you see me laughing and hear me cheering you on " Yea Baby Garrity" and a huuuge smile spreads across your face. It is priceless!!!
Daddy and I noticed you found your feet! you pull your legs up and play with your toes! It's pretty cute! Before bed tonight Aunt Brooke came over for about half of a movie-Hot Tub Time Machine- and you slept the whole time. After the movie you woke up and played with your toes and talked to your daddy and I. Now you are totally asleep on my left arm and I am typing this entire post with my right hand (quite impressive, if I do say so). Max the cat is snoozing on the ottoman, and we are watching Medium...I never watched Medium until you came along and I found myself awake at odd hours in the night... now I'm addicted :) One episode in particular the mom has to tell the daughter that she can't go on a ski trip with 18 yr old boys...I found myself pondering how it seems like just yesterday that Grandma and Grandpa would tell me I couldn't do things, and it will be too soon that daddy and I will have those types of arguments with you probably. It seems like you will be a tiny baby in my arms forever...but you will be a big girl in no time I'm sure. I've already had to purge your closet of the tiny newborn outfits b/c you are now too big, and it makes me really sad.
Well, you are sleeping and I should be too.
Good night,
Love Mommy
We are going through our stash of diapers from all of your showers quite swiftly. Last night we opened a package of Huggies, which seem to be less efficient at keeping your poop inside...and today you poopied and of course it squished out and all over your I gave you a bath in the sink. You LOVE baths! You splash with arms and legs...hard core much so that sometimes you concentrate soooo hard you forget to smile until you see me laughing and hear me cheering you on " Yea Baby Garrity" and a huuuge smile spreads across your face. It is priceless!!!
Daddy and I noticed you found your feet! you pull your legs up and play with your toes! It's pretty cute! Before bed tonight Aunt Brooke came over for about half of a movie-Hot Tub Time Machine- and you slept the whole time. After the movie you woke up and played with your toes and talked to your daddy and I. Now you are totally asleep on my left arm and I am typing this entire post with my right hand (quite impressive, if I do say so). Max the cat is snoozing on the ottoman, and we are watching Medium...I never watched Medium until you came along and I found myself awake at odd hours in the night... now I'm addicted :) One episode in particular the mom has to tell the daughter that she can't go on a ski trip with 18 yr old boys...I found myself pondering how it seems like just yesterday that Grandma and Grandpa would tell me I couldn't do things, and it will be too soon that daddy and I will have those types of arguments with you probably. It seems like you will be a tiny baby in my arms forever...but you will be a big girl in no time I'm sure. I've already had to purge your closet of the tiny newborn outfits b/c you are now too big, and it makes me really sad.
Well, you are sleeping and I should be too.
Good night,
Love Mommy
Monday, August 2, 2010
last of our lazy dazy's's late at night or early in the morning depending on which way you choose to look at things. You and I are still sleeping on the couch, enjoying our last few precious days of summer vacay before you start going to Sally's and I to school. After August 16th, we will no longer lounge on the couch late into the night watching Big Brother and Medium. I suppose we will sleep in bed with daddy like normal...I think he's lonely with Maggie and Ollie and sometimes Max the cat. Don't get me wrong, at first I think he liked having the bed to himself, but now I think he misses us wriggling around trying to get comfy and nurse during the night and me trying to keep him from conking you on the noggin during the night :)
You are such a little person now days. You are snoozing now leaning up against me on a pillow. You really are beautiful to me and to daddy too. We take pictures of you several times a day it seems. And never just one...we always take several, just in case?!
Today was a pretty normal day for us. Daddy woke us up just to say "goodbye" and kiss us both before leaving for the bank. You usually nurse and snooze for about 30 mins. to an hour after he leaves. We then watch Little House on the Prairie. Now, this is important information about mommy. I used to watch this show with my Grandma Headrick when I was a little girl. I read all of the books when I was a little girl. I was so little when I read the first one that I cannot even remember reading it for the first time!? Anyway, growing up I read and re-read the books. I also had a Little House cookbook that I read so many times it fell apart. Grandma Pat put it in a zip-lock bag so that I could keep it together. I would always read it when I would eat alone, I even took it to college with me! I have it at school in my closet, I'm sure it will still be there when you get around to wondering where it is. I also have a copy of Little House in the Big Woods that is signed by the illustrator. I brought it home to read to you this summer, but we haven't gotten around to a chapter book yet. What else about Little House??? Ummmm, mommy, Aunt Blair, and Uncle Cole used to go with Grandma Pat on road trips during the summers when we were little. We would frequently visit Ben Franklin's in _____________ I cannot remember the name of the town!? Anyway, after shopping for fabric for Grandma Pat, a couple of times we ventured to Mansfield, MO to visit one of Laura Ingalls Wilder's homes, and a museum. Sounds cheesy, but we all loved those books so much, and we still do. While I was pregnant with you, I couldn't stand the smell of the teacher lounge during lunch, so I would stay in my room to eat and I re-read The Little House Books!
So after watching Little House on the Prairie, we decided to go swimming. Your first suit is an adorable Juicy Couture pink one piece...suuuper cute! Since we have a pool in our back yard, we can swim whenever we want, as long as there is shade. After swimming, you wanted a bottle, and a nap. Then daddy came home for lunch. You love to talk to your daddy, and play with him when he comes home! Later after daddy left, neighbor Jaynee came to visit and then Kayla, Halle, and Jaynee went swimming. We couldn't swim b/c mommy and daddy workout on Monday nights and you spend time with grandparents. Tonight you went to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa H. and Aunt Blair. You played pat-a-cake and watched signing shows online. After we left, we ate dinner and then Grandma and Grandpa B., Aunt Brooke, and Uncle-to-be-Darrick came over to visit. When they left you were asleep, and daddy and mommy took lots of pics of you are soooooooo precious!
Today was pretty typical for us...lots of playing and loving...doesn't get any better than this! I can't believe our lazily perfect summer schedule will soon be replaced with school, daycare, coaching....with life. Ugggh, I'm not prepared to think about that tonight though. I'm just going to enjoy watching you sleep and watching Big Brother After Dark...ahhhh perfection :)
You are such a little person now days. You are snoozing now leaning up against me on a pillow. You really are beautiful to me and to daddy too. We take pictures of you several times a day it seems. And never just one...we always take several, just in case?!
Today was a pretty normal day for us. Daddy woke us up just to say "goodbye" and kiss us both before leaving for the bank. You usually nurse and snooze for about 30 mins. to an hour after he leaves. We then watch Little House on the Prairie. Now, this is important information about mommy. I used to watch this show with my Grandma Headrick when I was a little girl. I read all of the books when I was a little girl. I was so little when I read the first one that I cannot even remember reading it for the first time!? Anyway, growing up I read and re-read the books. I also had a Little House cookbook that I read so many times it fell apart. Grandma Pat put it in a zip-lock bag so that I could keep it together. I would always read it when I would eat alone, I even took it to college with me! I have it at school in my closet, I'm sure it will still be there when you get around to wondering where it is. I also have a copy of Little House in the Big Woods that is signed by the illustrator. I brought it home to read to you this summer, but we haven't gotten around to a chapter book yet. What else about Little House??? Ummmm, mommy, Aunt Blair, and Uncle Cole used to go with Grandma Pat on road trips during the summers when we were little. We would frequently visit Ben Franklin's in _____________ I cannot remember the name of the town!? Anyway, after shopping for fabric for Grandma Pat, a couple of times we ventured to Mansfield, MO to visit one of Laura Ingalls Wilder's homes, and a museum. Sounds cheesy, but we all loved those books so much, and we still do. While I was pregnant with you, I couldn't stand the smell of the teacher lounge during lunch, so I would stay in my room to eat and I re-read The Little House Books!
So after watching Little House on the Prairie, we decided to go swimming. Your first suit is an adorable Juicy Couture pink one piece...suuuper cute! Since we have a pool in our back yard, we can swim whenever we want, as long as there is shade. After swimming, you wanted a bottle, and a nap. Then daddy came home for lunch. You love to talk to your daddy, and play with him when he comes home! Later after daddy left, neighbor Jaynee came to visit and then Kayla, Halle, and Jaynee went swimming. We couldn't swim b/c mommy and daddy workout on Monday nights and you spend time with grandparents. Tonight you went to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa H. and Aunt Blair. You played pat-a-cake and watched signing shows online. After we left, we ate dinner and then Grandma and Grandpa B., Aunt Brooke, and Uncle-to-be-Darrick came over to visit. When they left you were asleep, and daddy and mommy took lots of pics of you are soooooooo precious!
Today was pretty typical for us...lots of playing and loving...doesn't get any better than this! I can't believe our lazily perfect summer schedule will soon be replaced with school, daycare, coaching....with life. Ugggh, I'm not prepared to think about that tonight though. I'm just going to enjoy watching you sleep and watching Big Brother After Dark...ahhhh perfection :)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sales, Swimming, and Jump-a-roos

Yesterday we had Aunt Brooke's surprise 30th birthday party at our house! It was super fun! Today you and Grandma Pat and I went to Belles and Beaus on the Nevada square for a big sidewalk sale! We got lots of great outfits for you to wear in the fall! You tried on your first pair of pants...we were all ooohing and awwing over how ridiculously cute you looked in pants! You are a fantastic shopper! Grandma holds you and you look around and really seem to enjoy yourself! Not to mention the attention you get when we go people were ooogling over your outfit and hair bow...they even asked Beth, the shop owner, if she had taken pictures of you! And of course you just smiled and love the attention! Here are some of the cute Zutano stuff we got today...super cute!
After the sale we came back home and practiced rolling over and you practiced holding onto still favor your left hand?! I found out that my aunt sis and your paternal great grandpa Bratten were left handed... only time will tell!
After we played for a while we had to meet grandma madelyn at the phone store and then she wanted to do some christmas shopping at the belles and beaus we went back and helped her pick out some cute things for your first christmas! Then she came back to play with you for a bit. While we were playing you rolled over several times again from back to front and for the first time you did a reverse roll...front to back! You had your first "BIG GIRL" roll over and have been doing it consistently since last week...Thursday, and you will be crawling in no time!
Neighbor Jaynee and Genice came over after grandma left and brought you a beautiful tutu and onesie with matching flats! Neighbor Jaynee is pregnant...but they don't know the sex of the baby, so they wanted to buy this for you now, and if Jaynee has a little girl, she will wear this too someday :)
They are sooooo nice...and they are lending us a jump-a-roo that looks like a horsey! Genice tried to put you in it but you cried a little bit, so we will try it tomorrow! All you want to do is march in place or "walk" while we hold you of course! So, I really think you will enjoy jump-a-rooing! After they left, you fell asleep and I laid you down in your crib, and for the first time EVER, you slept in your crib! I used our video monitor to watch you and listen from outside... you actually slept for about an hour!!!
When you woke up we swam with daddy and neighbor jaynee, and went to eat chinese at Golden Dragon. It was a fun filled day, and now you are passed out on the are such a big girl now :)
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