Yesterday we had Aunt Brooke's surprise 30th birthday party at our house! It was super fun! Today you and Grandma Pat and I went to Belles and Beaus on the Nevada square for a big sidewalk sale! We got lots of great outfits for you to wear in the fall! You tried on your first pair of pants...we were all ooohing and awwing over how ridiculously cute you looked in pants! You are a fantastic shopper! Grandma holds you and you look around and really seem to enjoy yourself! Not to mention the attention you get when we go places...today people were ooogling over your outfit and hair bow...they even asked Beth, the shop owner, if she had taken pictures of you! And of course you just smiled and smiled...you love the attention! Here are some of the cute Zutano stuff we got today...super cute!
After the sale we came back home and practiced rolling over and you practiced holding onto toys...you still favor your left hand?! I found out that my aunt sis and your paternal great grandpa Bratten were left handed... only time will tell!
After we played for a while we had to meet grandma madelyn at the phone store and then she wanted to do some christmas shopping at the belles and beaus sale...so we went back and helped her pick out some cute things for your first christmas! Then she came back to play with you for a bit. While we were playing you rolled over several times again from back to front and for the first time you did a reverse roll...front to back! You had your first "BIG GIRL" roll over and have been doing it consistently since last week...Thursday, and you will be crawling in no time!
Neighbor Jaynee and Genice came over after grandma left and brought you a beautiful tutu and onesie with matching flats! Neighbor Jaynee is pregnant...but they don't know the sex of the baby, so they wanted to buy this for you now, and if Jaynee has a little girl, she will wear this too someday :)
They are sooooo nice...and they are lending us a jump-a-roo that looks like a horsey! Genice tried to put you in it but you cried a little bit, so we will try it tomorrow! All you want to do is march in place or "walk" while we hold you of course! So, I really think you will enjoy jump-a-rooing! After they left, you fell asleep and I laid you down in your crib, and for the first time EVER, you slept in your crib! I used our video monitor to watch you and listen from outside... you actually slept for about an hour!!!
When you woke up we swam with daddy and neighbor jaynee, and went to eat chinese at Golden Dragon. It was a fun filled day, and now you are passed out on the couch...you are such a big girl now :)