Friday, July 29, 2011


Today is your 15 month Birthday! You woke up happy as a lark! You popped up and grabbed my phone with our family photo on the front, and said, "Dada, Dada, Dada"! It was so cute! We are on our trip with Grandma and Grandpa H. in Branson, so when your sweet little voice pierced the silence, everyone was laughing! Especially since you have been calling your daddy, Booooooo forever, and just recently started referring to him as Dada.

After a slow and relaxing start, we hit Silver Dollar City and it was HOT! We spent lots of time at the water attractions today. You loved everything we tried, you were such a big girl! Such a good girl! In addition to the fun attractions, you also got to meet Santa Claus! He and Mrs. Claus were on vacation and we spotted him while waiting on Grandpa to get your flip flops out of the truck. So anyway, you were pointing very obviously and saying, "Ho Ho"! Mrs. Claus brought over a candy cane sucker and told you that Santa wanted you to have the treat! So, we knew that the man sitting in the red Adirondack chair wearing a Santa Hawaiian style shirt, with Christmas socks, red Vans, and a fluffy white beard; was in fact the REAL Santa!!! So, we asked if we could have a photo and we ended up chatting with Santa for several minutes! It was a little scary for you, but in the end you were waving, and saying, "Ho HO"!

Another highlight to the day was your first Old Time Photo shoot! You were dressed in a red and yellow flapper dress, with a super huge and cute feather headdress, a feather boa, and you held a little pistol. You were so cute, I had to jump out from behind Grandma and yell Boo to get you to smile...and smile you did! It was super fun!

You're asleep now, you are pooped! Now that we are season pass holders with Grandma and Grandpa for the remainder of this year were already pumped to visit again and again...when it's cooler of course!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

VCYF 2011

Today we went with daddy to the Vernon County Youth Fair. Usually on Thursdays Daddy has a Rotary meeting and eats lunch at the meeting. Today the Rotarians were paired with a 4-H member and were given a tour in exchange for lunch! So, we met our member and you had so much fun getting to see the piggies, goats, sheep, nay-nay's, and chickens! 

Friday, July 8, 2011


This morning you helped mommy clean after you slept until a record 9:20am! At a little before 10:37 we tuned into CBS to take in a little history! We watched the launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis! You are really into airplanes (you noticed your first one the other night at a swim party web Aidan Smith pointed one out)... So as you watched from my lap, you excitedly released many "woooah's" as the shuttle disappeared up into the sky! 750,000 people watched live in Florida, but we had a great view from our comfy brown leather ottoman!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Deanna Rose Farm

This place was so much fun! You got to bottle feed goats, feed ducks, see chickens, piggies, horseys, you name it ( on a farm) they had it!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I can't believe it's June 29th?! The summer is flying and so many things have happened this month it's ridiculous! We spent the day hanging out around the house. Of course we woke up and watched a little Barney, ate breakfast, ran, you took a nap, and then we swam with the Thoreson family in our pool. You were kind of cranky because you are working on new teeth I believe. I cannot see them or really feel any teeth popping through, but that is my hypothesis for the cranky mood. I am working on my Masters right now, so you spent the evening with Daddy! I believe you ate dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Bishop's house and then Mommy came over after class. We followed our normal evening routine and I rocked you to sleepy and put you in your crib. These past 14 months have been fantastic! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

For the record:
-You currently have your top two teeth and the teeth to the left and right of the top two, plus the bottom two.
-Your bangs are really longish, I can pull them back into a little side pony tail, but I really don't because it makes you look like a  big kid.
- You make all sorts of animal sounds on cue:
 1. Cow= moooo
 2. Chicken= chic chic chic
 3. Hippo= oppa (I really didn't know what sound a hippo made, and so you just try to say hippo)
 4. Cat= hissss ( you also say "hi Lola" to G&G B.'s cat Lola, and say "Ma Ma" in reference to our kitty Max).
 5. Tiger= (new this week)  is grrrrrr
 6. Horsey= Nay Nay (sometimes sounds like Nah)
 7. Sheep= Baa Baa
 8. Elephant= a high squeel and you raise your arm like the trunk
 9. Dog= roo roo roo
 10. Bird= bir bir

I believe that's it. Which is pretty impressive for a 14 month old! You refer to the following people with the following names:

Daddy= Bo or Dadadadada...depending on your mood
Mommy= Momma
Blair= bar bar
Brooke- Book
Grandpa H. Meh Meh
Grandma's and Cole= Mah Mah
Max the Cat= Ma Ma
Ollie the Dog= Ahhhhhh
Maggie the Dog= Maaaaa
Lola Grandma and Grandpa B.'s Cat= Hilola all at once
Mocha Grandma and Grandpa H.'s Cat= MO
Barney from TV= Bo or kind of Bar

Random words:
No No
Sit Down
Bug (at your last Dr. Appt. Dr. Russell found a ladybug stuck in your top tooth...)
Apple= ah-pooh
Cookie= cook-ah
Hi= Hi-yah,Hieeeee, Hi there, Hi
Bye Bye= Bobbie, Bye Bye, Bob-eye

I'm sure I'm missing something in this list of vocab.! You are pretty amazing! Most kids are saying two to four words like mama and dada at this point! YOU jabber all the time. It's gibberish mixed in with real words...pretty funny and cool! It's really weird though when you blurt out a string of gibberish and then if we ask you what you were talking about, or today Grandma H. told you to ask your mommy in reference to something you said; you totally repeated yourself verbatim! So talented :)

4th of July weekend!
