Such a fun day today at SDC! We had a great time riding rides and walking around! We watched an awesome dog show too!

Kids Fest is still goin string and you loved the blocked. You even asked if we were at Lego Land :)
Face painting still ranks super high on your list of to-do's.
You were totally in love with the doggie show!
When they asked for volunteers, you were in the middle of picking your naturally, you simply raised your other hand :/
The rides are THE MOST FUN with Grandma Pat!
During Kids Fest there is a big wooden train set up at the entrance to the park. You love to play on the train and always make a few friends!
Our hotel was the Hilton at Branson Landing. It was super fun and convenient!
Our room overlooked the shops!
We walked around and you played for a while while we decided where to eat.
There was a super cool clown making balloon characters! You requested a purple kitty (the kitty is sleeping with us tonight).
The clown made small talk with you while he constructed your kitty. You very politely answered all of his questions!
We had hear that the Bass Pro restaurant was especially tasty and since noone in our party had eaten there before, we decided to give it a try. We only had to wait for 12 minutes! During our wait you fed the geese and ducks swimming around!
The restaurant was awesome!!!!! After our meal, you played on the boats and we headed to the hotel!