Thursday, March 3, 2016

Grantham 3/3/16

Before becoming a mommy of two kiddos, people would always claim that each child is different. While there is truth in comments such as those...I've found that, while different, our two kiddos are somewhat similar in nature and in hitting milestones. That being said, Garrity was speaking in full sentences when she was almost two. Grantham has spoken full sentences...but more often than not, he is either pretty quiet or spouts out strings of words: "mama, dada, sissy, coco, Gowah, Pat, mama, dada, dada, dada, dandum, mama" you get the picture. The other day he caught me off guard and said " Ah be righ ba mama." I'll be right back, melted my heart! 
Other differences, but similarities, bed time; Grantham wants books-almost the exact same lineup as Garrity, and he also wants milk and mama as well. Garrity still follows the same strict bedtime regime. I am 150% an attachment mama and I am 150% proud to be part of that frowned-upon group of fierce-loving mamas! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Where Are We Now?

 Here we are now, one month out from out from Grantham turning TWO and Garrity turning SIX?! Our life is starting to finally fall into step. We have a schedule of sorts (we will never be rigidly scheduled humans) but we have a wonderfully balanced way of doing things. We are so close to spring break, and we are setting up a few fun things for the week. 
One of my great pleasures in life is party planning and we are in full party planning mode! Grantham has requested a Micky Mouse party and Garrity is going with a Scooby Doo party complete with the same bounce house from last year. 
Short and sweet. More to come on Grantham at 23 months and Miss G at almost six!