One year ago we welcomed the most precious baby boy into our family:
Grantham Scott Bishop.
Dear Grantham,
A year ago today, I dropped Garrity off at Sally's and went to Walmart to gather some snacks and a movie for what Daddy and I expected to be a very laid back and relaxing day. We did not really expect you to come for at least another day. A year ago yesterday I thought for sure yesterday would have been your birthday, as I thought I was in labor at school! The day obviously took an unexpected turn when my water broke just as I returned home from Walmart.We took it easy and then headed to the hospital. It wasn't long before you were out of my tummy and into my arms. Our beautiful baby boy. We had kept your name a secret. Daddy wrote your name on the wipe board and everyone was excited to learn your name! Grantham Scott Bishop. Your first name came from television: Grantham, from Lord Grantham on Downton Abbey. Scott came from share obviously with Garrity!
Man, first birthday's are tough on your mamma. But it seems that already you've changed so much in the last twelve months...I know it is just the beginning. When we first brought you home, you would grunt when you nursed or drank from a bottle. You no longer do that. Right now, as soon as you gather your bearings in the morning, you begin to point and say, "sthat?" You don't stop questioning until you are asleep. You are such a smart little guy. You've mastered the slide at home, and now you want to try to walk down the slide...although you know you must have Mommy's had prior to the descent! You've also mastered the art of scaling stairs or the ottoman, feet first! You're no longer're running, and doing it very well! Another thing that breaks my heart for some reason, is that you are now wearing shoes on a pretty regular basis. Going without shoes is socially acceptable for such an incredibly short part of ones life...and now your get-out-of-shoes free card has almost expired.
This year has gone by insanely fast. I wish I could freeze time. Of course I want you to grow up to be the wonderful man I know you will become...however I can't help but want to keep you in my arms forever. I want to bottle your wonderful milky baby breath and your deliciously magical baby scent. I want to always feel your chubby little hand patting my back as you snuggle your squishy little cheek on my shoulder. I don't ever want to forget your toothless grin, or how you chipped your one of four little teeth when we were playing too dangerously in the bathtub! I always want to see your face light up when you see me and fight to the death to get to your mamma when I walk in the door after a long day apart. I know that babyhood is fleeting. In the blink of an eye, you will be starting school, and then you will be graduating and going off to college! I'm just not ready. Up to now, you've been our little baby...introduced to the world in months...not years. Now you are a big boy with one solid year under your belt.
Well, it goes without saying...but we love you. Mamma loves you very much. You will always be my baby boy. Happy First Birthday my sweet.
After my water broke, Daddy and I decided to take it easy, and eat lunch (Tuna from Subway) and take a couple of before pictures. |
Daddy's before picture |
Here I am at the hospital! Running the entire pregnancy made for a very enjoyable labor! |
The labor and delivery room! |
And just like were here! |
The guys |
We marveled at your laid back and happy personality! You continue to be the happiest baby alive! It's been a wonderful year full of exciting moments!
The first six months were absolute bliss. You and Garrity and Mommy stayed at home. It was lovely. Each morning Garrity would cuddle you in bed and I would snap hundreds of photos...I didn't want to miss or forget one single moment.
Our first outing was to the library, and to Wednesday night church...I believe church was first and then that Friday we went to the library. Both were such adventures for Mommy! Learning how to do anything and everything with two babies was an adventure! |
We went to the zoo with Gowah and Grandma Pat! |
We went to SDC on your one month birthday! Look how your little legs are still squished up in this picture!
We took numerous trips to KC! |
We visited a pumpkin patch in Weston! |
We spent many nights in hotels, sharing lots of adventures! |
This was your seventh month shot! We were in KC at the DoubleTree in Overland Park, one of our favorites! |
You loved your walker! |
And you were FAST. |
First day of Sally's |
First day of Sally's |
Lazy summertime! |
Silly moments! |
Adjusting to two kiddos! |
Lots and lots of love! |
Always happy! |
First football game |
First trip to Disney World |
I bought this blanket just a couple of weeks before you were born. It went everywhere with us! You loved your blankey!
Happy 1st Birthday to my favorite little guy! When your mommy and daddy told us that you were on your way, all I could wonder was how could I possible have room in my heart to love you as much as I love your sister. Turns out, I had nothing to worry about! Loving you is simple and easy. I am so happy that I get to be your aunt. It makes me super sad that you are growing up (and your birthday post was super depressing!), but I am glad I have been invited to be a part of your adventure! I love you forever!
Blair Blair