Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Grantham 4 Months/Walt Disney World

My first word of advice on taking a four month old and a four year old to Disney world: DO IT! There are so many misconceptions about flying with an infant. One of those misconceptions is that they will cry and fuss and be a nightmare to travel with...this could not be farther from the truth, in my opinion. We traveled with Garrity by plane when she was just four months old, and had a perfect experience. The same may be said now about Grantham...perfect flight. Both kiddos nursed and slept from takeoff to landing.

Our trip! We spent the first night with Tom, he has a great condo on the Plaza, and it made for a less early, early morning. Everyone had a blast except Daddy. I had to run to get formula (for said flight...just in case the nursing failed...) it was pretty late when I went out, and for some strange reason Daddy insisted on keeping Grantham. Turns out that 9'ish was the witching hour and the dreams Daddy had of snuggling with his son on the couch watching sports or whatever, apparently wasn't part of Grantham's plan. After several text from Daddy insisting that I return IMMEDIATELY, I returned to a docile and sleepy Grantham, and a  fussy and grumpy Daddy.

The next morning was early and everyone was excited and still grumpy. STILL GRUMPY. Once we arrived at the airport, we were face with the dilemma of all riding the bus from the parking lot, or Daddy dropping us off and Daddy parking the car on his own while we waited in line with two suit cases, golf clubs, a double buggy, and oh ya, two kiddos. Guess which one we picked?!

By the time we made it to the ticket counter, after winding through Southwest Air crowd control maze among the hundreds of souls also too waiting to fly to their vacations scooting our two suit cases, golf bag, and double buggy one inch at a time actually several people felt sorry for me and helped scoot our luggage caravan ..Daddy finally made it back.

This flight was a breeze! Grantham slept and nursed the entire time! Garrity had some trouble with her little ears and kept shouting in the cutest loudest voice imaginable! It really was adorable! She kept saying, "SOMETHING'S GOING ON WITH MY EARS, GUYS, I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING, GUYS!" Explain ears popping to a four year old! Other than that, Garrity busied herself with the iPad and DVD player. We rented a van vs taking a bus...much cheaper. However we had to upgrade from a town car to a van due to the double buggy and the golf clubs. The van was great and for a $10 fee, they stopped at a grocery store and we got some snacks etc. for the week! 

We arrived earlier than check-in. We opted for a town car to Downtown Disney. By the time we go to Downtown Disney, both babies were asleep! Daddy and I were at a loss! We ended up sharing a huge chocolate shake from Godiva! We walked around the area and spent a ton of time in The Largest Disney Store in the World...and finally had to start waking up kiddos!

The entire trip was as smooth as anyone could have EVER imagined! I was even able to take both kids to Magic Kingdom one day and we had a blast! Grantham was a champ and even waited in line for TWO HOURS to meet Anna and Elsa!

We enjoyed the parks and the wonderful Hilton resort. I wouldn't have changed a thing! Such a wonderful memory and a trip I will NEVER forget!

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