This was the first birthday that you helped plan. You had very definite opinions about things...your cake in particular. I usually start planning your party a couple of months in advance, and this year was no different. With your help, we decided on a princess theme...specifically Cinderella. One evening I was searching online for cake ideas. You took my phone and started flipping through the online photos. You were extremely excited about the doll cakes...the cakes with the doll in the middle of the cake! I didn't know what to think at first... I mean they are kind of different! However with the help of Jenny's California Cafe, we ended up with a glamourous and classy Cinderella dolly cake!
Not only did you help with planning, you also wanted to help decorate. We spent many evenings decorating our dining room. After dinner you would say, " Mommy lets dec-or-ATE!" It was super cute, and you were great help handing me tacks and painting and hanging stars!
I think the pictures do the party justice, but the magic the princesses brought to the ball was like no other! I enlisted two students from school, a swimmer (Belle) and my yearbook editor (Cinderella) to attend the ball! They were simply over the top! As they walked up to the Golf House, you covered your mouth in excitement! It was priceless! Of course when the girls arrived, you became incredibly shy and wouldn't even look at the girls, let alone have your picture taken with them! The princesses broke the ice by offering to hand you your gifts as you opened them. (Great idea girls!) and after you opened your gifts, you were fast friends!
Overall, it was a great birthday!
Mommy fixed your hair just like a princess! |
Your royal table! |
Notice the lovely Cinderella cake! |
The plate of burgers front and center are "White CASTLE" burgers...very so fitting for the occasion! |
Luckily we kept our pumpkin from the fall (not sure exactly why...but the last few years we have tried to see just how long a pumpkin will actually last. Turns out, when left in a cool, dark, dry location...they will last perfectly until at least April!? |
Grandma Madelyn |
You were a little shy at first... |
Aren't the princesses lovely?! |
So, the golf house it totally in the middle of remodel...I JUST NOTICED the set of DOORS we forgot to remove from the dining room?! Sheeeeeesh! |
Gowah and Grandma Pat |
Still a little unsure... |
I'm strategically holding you...good thing I'm reallllly short! |
A ball wouldn't be complete without a dance with PRince Charming! |
The princesses suggested handing you each was a hit! |
Your adoring subjects! |
A super cute tea set from Gowah and Grandma Pat! |
Cookie/baking set from Gowah and Grandma Pat! |
Here's daddy passing around bacon wrapped lil' weenies :) |
Cutest apron ever! Pink tulle! Thanks Gowah and Grandma Pat! |
A beautiful butterfly costume from Gowah and Grandma Pat! |
Adorable! |
Hmmm....... |
You are beyond excited about this gift! |
April 12th was probably the worst day of your entire little life! You fell at Gowah and Grandma Pat's and your tooth went through your mouth! After a visit to the doctor, we left for the weekend and on a coffee stop, you jumped off the curb and BROKE YOUR RUBY SLIPPER :( |
Immediately Gowah was on it! He scored the internet and found a (MUCH BETTER) pair of ruby slippers! |
Adorable little summer outfit, white shorts and a sheer floral top! You weren't impressed...but I sure thought it was cute! Thanks Gowah and Grandma Pat! |
The coolest book ever! Sesame Street WITH A KEY BOARD ATTACHED!!! |
Thanks Jack and Shirley!!! Love it!!! |
AND a CD of 50 children's songs!!! We love to sing in the car...this is perfect! |
Brave was the fist movie you saw in the theater! Crissy knew it was one of your faves....she got you this cool Merida crown, necklace, and earrings set! Thanks Crissy! |
Cole's gift! |
A ruby red slipper chocolate! Cute! |
Cole has built your collection of awesome movies since your first birthday! Coraline...spooky and cool! Thanks Cole! |
Addams Family! A spooky classic! Love it! |
Super cool idea Cole...too bad you wouldn't put it on your head :) |
A little assistance from Belle! |
Aladdin figurines! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Bishop! |
Super Cool! |
Jasmine costume!!! Love it Grandma and Grandpa Bishop! |
A lovely tea cart! Love it Gowah and Grandma Pat! |
And now a big surprise from Mommy and Daddy! |
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