Easter. Holidays in general are my thing. Well...truth be told, any excuse to get excited and plan, and decorate, and sneak around making magic happen...that's my thing! I also love to make memories...that's my thing. I love to plan for events. I love the anticipation, the buildup, the tradition! This year, our traditions were readjusted and new ones were set in motion.
Garrity's first Easter, 2011:
I remember agonizing over the dress and the basket and the EVERYTHING! Of course I wanted to set traditions in motion, and make wonderful memories! I'd been waiting a lifetime to start my own family traditions and celebrate holidays with my children!
The Pottery Barn white basket with the pink liner was a dream come true :) Garrity still uses this basket each year! |
This little dress and sweater was Mini Boden from Nordstrom...I loved it! |
This was the only Easter my children would celebrate with my Grandpa Smith. | | | | |
Garrity's Easter basket from Gary and Madelyn! |
The traditions were set. Wake up at our house, and check out what the bunny had left! Next, get ready and head to Gary and Madelyn's for breakfast...a beautifully decorated table, Easter basket for Garrity, and a mini egg hunt! After breakfast, we headed to church! Following church, dinner, egg hunt, and fun with The Thoreson's. After church and Thoreson's, we would head back to Nevada to celebrate with my family: Easter baskets from my parents, and Blair and Shane. Lunch with my parents, grandpa, and Blair and Shane. Finally after a long day of celebrating with family, we would mosey on back home...with at tired little munchkin :)
Garrity's Second Easter, 2012
This year Garrity wanted to dye eggs! We were still living at our West Walnut house! |
Again, the basket centered around the Easter outfit...dress and accessories all from Crewcuts. |
Easter basket, bunny, and breakfast at Gary and Madelyn's! Table dressed to the hilt, and a chocolate marshmallow egg on each plate! Same green Easter basket for Garrity will follow her the next couple of years! |
The table was always super festive! |
Egg hunt at The Thoreson's! |
Easter basket at Gary and Pat's! This "basket" is a fixture in Miss Garrity's room today! |
Easter 2013
This was our first Easter at our new house! These baskets were ALL for Garrity!? This picture was taken after we got home from my mom and dad's...so the picture includes baskets from the following people: The actual bunny, Gary and Madelyn, Gary and Pat, and Blair and Shane! |
Our little family in 2013! |
Dinner at Gowah and Grandma Pat's |
Grantham's First Easter, 2014
Epic Fail. |
First Easter Basket! |
In between our Easter and going to church, we celebrated with the Bishop family. We had the traditional breakfast, egg hunt, and baskets! It was hectic, but super fun! For some reason I can't locate the pictures in my files!
Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Thoreson's! |
Easter at Gowah and Grandma Pat's |
Such an adorable little bunny :) |
Easter 2015
The bunny came! While I was getting everything ready in the kitchen, Garrity woke up and tip-toed into the living room and was unloading her basket when I got in :) |
So fun! Our very first Easter Breakfast at The Golf House! This year marks a new tradition for our family! |
Thoreson Easter Egg Hunt! This is a long standing tradition---so fun!
Easter at Gowah and Grandma Pat's! That sneaky bunny makes to stops for G&G!!!
Bubble Mowers for all! And, of course you can mow indoors when your queen of the castle :) Nothing says Easter like Pink Cowboy boots :)
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