Friday, October 3, 2014

3/25/14 12:17am (The day before you were born...)

Dear Baby Baby Bishop,

This morning I Woke up feeling pretty normal. By the time I’d dried my hair, I was having some intense cramping and that turned into contractions. But, I had to go to school to get grades in etc. I was pretty uncomfy and the contractions were about 4 mins apart. So I went ahead and requested my sub. 

I came home to pack and went on to my appt. Which was scheduled for 3:30. She checked me, and I was in labor. Dilated to a 3! She "stripped my membranes" to speed things up!? She said she would admit me right then...Or, if I'd like, I could go walk and take a nap etc then come in later after the walk. She said it was up to me. Dr. Russell said his head was a tad high, so she didn't want to break my water. 

I opted for walking. Oddly enough, after I left the clinic, it all  stopped!? Gowah was off today so he came over and we walked ab 4 miles around the golf course! 
Dr. Russell said my uterus was def. ready for an eviction party! She said to just hang out until the contractions were 5 mins apart again. They start then stop... Nothing like Garrity!!!??? If I don't have you tonight or tomorrow, she will help you along on Wednesday! 

I've been exhausted all night and now I can't sleep!


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